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Proudly Presents
Beast Lord - Maps & Solution
Okidoki,heres a few basic tips to get you started in your quest.The main
thing to do is to keep an eye on your energy levels at all times. They can
drop quickly at times,so keep topping them up with food and drinks.To get
hold of some,attack as many hostile inhabitants as possible,as many will
leave either supplies or money.
Speaking of money,always collect it,as you never know when you might need
it later.Always talk to everyone you can,and always ask them for help. O.k
now lets dive straight into the solution!!
You start the game in the forest,ready for action.The first place you`ll
want to go is the Village at the top of the map.Head towards it,Killing off
everyone you meet and collecting everything they drop.Everyone,that is
until you reach the Village itself,at which point you must be as cuddly and
friendly as a little lamb.Talk to all the villagers,and ask all of them for
help.Before you know it,you`ll bump into someone with a knife.Generally
they will be found at map location 2.No,they arnt about to mug you.Simply
offer them some money and buy the knife from them.
Now go to the Inn,at location 1,and buy some ale and some nuts.Whatever you
do ,do not have a fight with anyone in the Village,as news travels fast and
you dont want to make anymore enemies than you already have.
On your way to the Village you should have passed a little guy in a bag,who
begged with you to free him.Head back to him with the knife,but dont give
it to him.Instead,trade with him until he gives you the Re-Animate spell in
return for the knife.If you give him the blade straightaway,he`ll just
scarper with it.
Now go to the statue of the bird found at location 3 on the map.Wait until
night,when you cant see a single thing,and then cast the Re-Animate
spell.Before your very eyes the statue will come to life,but only until
dawn. After that it will return to its natural grey,stony state. The bird
will ask you for a sacred ring,which you wont have at this point so dont
worry abooit it.
Wait until daybreak and then head for the Orc Forest.I shouldnt go during
the night if I was you.Orcs can be nasty at night.The ring you are after -
the sacred ring,remember? - is high in a tree on the far side of Orcville.
You won`t be able to get hold of it but,by using your Doctor Doolittle
powers,you can get squirrels to fetch it for you! talk to one of the
squirrels and say "Get Sacred Ring".It will scamper off and return before
you know it with the ring.Not that it will give it to you.You`ll have to
trade the nuts you are carrying for it.Oh well,they were dry roasted
Return to the Village and find the small blue dog which is roaming around.
Walk up to it showing no fear and use the command "Follow me".The dog is
now your lifelong companion and you need to do is stand around.Now if you
were doing all the talking like I asked you to,someone will have mentioned
an invisable thief.Just because you cant see him doesnt mean the dog cant
smell him,and sure enough the dog will go running after him as soon as he
passes you.Just follow thr dog and he will take you all the way to the
thief`s home.
Go into the house and fight the thief,stealing his invisible cloak as soon
as possible.Run away and head for the witch`s house.Dont enter yet,though.
Put the cloak on first and - hey presto! - you look like a predator! Go
into the house and avoid the random spells that the witch throws
around.Grab the Light spell in the corner of the room and run away
quickly.Once outside,take the cloak off again.
o back to the bird statue and wait until nightfall once more.Cast the
Re-Animate spell once more and this time give the bird the ring it asks
for. Yhe bird will now follow you everywhere.Cor,youre turning into a
right Noah`s Ark and no mistake! For the rest of this level the bird is
useless but keep it with you as you`ll need it in the Temple Section. Head
for the Dark Forest.In here is a troll,as it is always night,the troll is
always ready to do a bit of squishing.Stand a safe distance from him and
cast the Light Spell - day will break in the forest for the first time in
years.If you havnt been reading your DiscWorld books then you wont know
that daylight turns Trolls to stone and will be completely surprisedby the
result.You can now pass the harmless-looking boulder.
Find the entrance to the Temple and talk to the guard.Give him the ale
youre carrying and then wait for gravity to take affect.When hr is slumped
on the ground enter the Temple.There,what could be simpler?
When you enter the temple,make sure that you have the bird with you as you
wont be able to complete the level without it.Got him? Right,go to the top
oof the map,marked as location 1.Wait there until nightfall and a ghost
will appear.Ask him for help,and he will first tell you must guess his
name.I`ll give you a clue - it isnt Rumplestilskin.Only the Mad Monk knows
his name,and you`ll find him wandering around map location 2.Find him and
ask him the name but he wont tell you as he`ll be too busy telling you that
hes lost his marbles.
Funnily enough,the marbles are to be found on the other side of the map,in
location 3.Search around on the floor for all of them,pick them up and
return to him.He will then tell you the name of the ghost.Now go back to
the ghost and call him by his name.In return he will tell you about the
Guardian Of The Key and the cannister of poisonous gas which holds the key.
Now you have to find the Guardian himself,who you`ll at this time to be a
mouse.He`ll be scurrying about at location 4 adn,when yoou find him,order
the bird to catch him.He`ll become very helpful now,so you can tell the
bird to drop him.The mouse will run into a small hole and return with the
key,which will be contained in a small glass bottle.Sadly,the bottle also
holds a gas which will kill you and the bird as soon as the bottle is
Head to map location 5,where you`ll meet a wise old man.Ask him for help
and he`ll tell yoou about a special plant he has which will stop the poison
from affecting you.Buy the plant from him and eat it.Now open the bottle
and get the key.The bird will die,well,it was only a statue anyway.
The key will allow you to open a door at the top of the map (location 6)
with a pentagon drawn on it.Go through the door and you`ll come to a
chained up Unicorn.Speak to the Unicorn an he will ask you to free him.
unfortunatly you dont have the necessary tools to free him but you know a
man you does.
Find the sculptor at location 8 who holds in his hands a hammer and a
chisel.If you talk to the sculptor you`ll discover just how unfreindly he
really is.You could spend hours trying to reason with him if you wanted but
the easiest way to get the tools off him is to beat him up.Do this and
collect the hammer and chisel.Free the Unicorn and it will follow you
around from this point on.
Now you must get to the next section.Heres how to do it.Throw a coin into
the well at location 9 and then run to the exit at location 10,in the
bottom tight of the map.You have a tight time limit to get there,so dont
stop at any Little Chef`s along the way!
The final section of the game.As soon as you arrive go through the door to
the right.Duck as you enter to avoid the wasps and,as soon as they are far
away enough,run away so you dont get harmed.Here you will find a container
of oats,which you should collect and continue right.When you meet map
location 2 you will meet a magician who will ask you to find three magic
stones.Who are you to refuse?
Leave the wasp room by the door you came in and go up through the first
door you come to.Now you`ll be surrounded by killer frogs.Yeah,like thats
really feasible.Still,here you are,so avoid the frogs as you head to the
right until you come to a door going up and go through it.You will now be
in an empty area so,for want of something better to do,feed the oats to the
Unicorn whoo will regain his ability to fly.
Go through the next door up and you`ll be in another forg area.Run to the
left and you`ll collect one of the three stones (location 3). Go through
the next door up,up through the next one and you`ll be surrounded by -
arachnophobics brace yourslef - gaint spiders! Run left and you`ll find
dome toilet paper.No,only kidding.You actually find another one of the
stones (loacation 4).Run back to the right and go through the next door to
the top and you`ll find the last stone. (location 5).
Run back to the magician and give him all three stones.He will give you a
Power spell.Go back through the first frog area this time head right until
you reach the impassable swamp,marked with danger signs.Climb on the
Unicorns back and you`ll be able to fly across the swamp .Pull down on the
joystick to land.
Once off the Unicorns back,cast the Power spell then go up through the next
doorway into what we`ll call `The Final Area` (location 11).Here lies the
final guardian and you`ll need the Power spell to destroy him.Stand in
front of him,facing him and press the fire button to launch the spell.It`ll
take a few hits to kill him - and watch out for his punch!
When he dies he`ll drop a guiding light.Just use the light to finish the
game! There you go all finished,easy eh?
Big Sloppy Kisses & Cuddles Fly out to:
Mko! & the rest of the Eleventh Hour Gang,Fireflash/Mystic+Rvg, Zealot
Beavis & Butthead,Mr.B & Airbomb/Rvg+Afl,Noxious/Tsl,Flux,Damage Inc/G.O.D
Super Groover,Sponge/Mystic,Bananman/Rvg,All Rvg and Afl Members and all
the guys`n`girls Ive forgotten!
Typed by Alice/Rvg.